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photo of Isabella Scandolari

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About Isabella

Each individual has the intrinsic power to achieve deep health and fulfilment. The role of a healer is to help people discover and release this internal power. 


Isabella’s sensitivity, understanding and compassion allows her to work on a transcendental level with each individual by designing a treatment plan that includes breath, meditation, and personal sessions. This unique approach creates a shift in the body, mind and energy system that is long lasting.


Isabella Scandolari’s life purpose is the transformation of people’s lives by guiding them from states of pain and suffering into states of wholeness and wellness.  She has facilitated success with both adults and children experiencing such symptoms as stress, chronic back pain, TMJ, nerve pain, sports injuries migraines, panic attacks, anxiety, grief, depression and loss. She has also worked closely in Palliative care assisting the individual to find peace and tranquility in the process of transition. 


She has guided new mothers and families through the process of birth, and the adjustment of motherhood. Perinatal and post natal experience give Isabella a quiet and centered understanding of the nature of existence and the search for purpose and meaning in this lifetime.


In 2003, Isabella discovered the Healing Practice of Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy, taught by Master teacher Bhadrena Tschumi Gemin and Kavi Gemin, at the International Institute for Biodynamic Craniosacral Balancing (BCST) in Switzerland. She earned her Diploma in Craniosacral Biodynamics and the designation of Registered Craniosacral Therapist (RCST). As a qualified Craniosacral practitioner, training and memberships allow her to work in North America, Mexico, South America and Europe.


Isabella participated in an extensive teachers training with the Dalian Method of healing and transformation into consciousness with Master teacher Mada Dalian, founder of the Dalian Method. This work brought together her 15 years of study, discipline and meditation with the Gnostic School of Enlightenment where she learned and practiced the curriculum “Consciousness and Energy creates the Nature of Reality.” She was fortunate to have been in the forefront with the pioneers of the evolution of the brain in relation to thoughts, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Evolve your Brain, and Dr. Bruce Lipton, Biology of Belief.


Isabella is a Certified Restorative Yoga Teacher Trainer, Yoga Alliance International, E-RYT 500 and Kundalini Yoga Instructor, KRI with 30 years of experience and a dedicated personal practice. She has facilitated Healing Retreat Intensives tailored to meet the needs for both personal and group transformation, in Mexico, Canada and USA.


Isabella is a registered member of The Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America 

Isabella's healing work is based out of a studio in the quiet Kitsilano neighborhood of Vancouver, Canada. She offers one-on-one sessions that are tailored to the unique needs and goals of each client. Personalized private healing intensives are also offered at Camino al Buda, a yoga retreat center located in the lush jungles of Pacific Mexico near the town of San Pancho, Nayarit.

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"We all have an innate intelligence within the energy system of the body that has the capacity to connect to radiant health and inner states of well being."  

Isabella Scandolari

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