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SELF HEALING DALIAN METHOD Take a deep breath into your belly, close your eyes, and ask yourself, “

Writer's picture: Isabella Scandolari Isabella Scandolari

“Am I living my life to the fullest potential? Do I feel an internal happiness that is not dependant on other people, family members, friends, material wealth, the food you eat or the weather? Am I able to stand up for myself and speak my truth?

"The healing journey towards health and wholeness begins by uncovering the original state of purity and innocence of the being, before it was programmed with layers of beliefs and conditionings." Mada Eliza Dalian

What is healing? Healing is taking responsibility for your fear, pain, sadness, insecurity, past childhood trauma, and present lack of clarity, internal strength and wisdom. How else will humanity evolve into a more conscious expression of itself collectively and individually and discover who you truly are and why are you are here on this planet at this present time. Existence is patiently waiting for you to recognize your own inner strength and purpose.

If you could put the old story and all its episodes to rest with an advanced technique that can be incorporated into your life along with your other healing practices, would you be open to experience it for yourself?

Healing the Body and Awakening Consciousness with The Self Healing Dalian Method is now available for your own personal exploration and healing journey. This self-healing tool is facilitated by qualified and certified SHDM facilitators, who will guide you through the process and teach you how to practice this method on your own to deepen the awareness and healing that occurs in a private SHDM session.

The session takes 2.5 hours, and is recorded for your own benefit. You are instructed to create your own homework to personally integrate your awareness and put into action the healing that you experience in your session. A follow up is suggested 3-4 weeks later to continue the process of awakening to your innate ability to heal and trust yourself.

This Self Healing System is an innovative and modern approach to Radiant Health and Well-being, and has within it, a built-in process that will help you to being more peace, light and joy to those around you. Through your own personal transformation and wholeness you will inspire others to begin their own courageous journey towards freedom and truth. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Namaste Isabella, Dalian Method Facilitator

The Self Healing Dalian Method, created by Mada Eliza Dalian , Zen Master & Mystic

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